Professional Standards

At Visa Ville Migration Australia, we understand and follow the professional standards expected by the office of the Migration Agents Registration Authority (MARA). Information passed on to us can sometimes be highly sensitive and most often confidential. An application for a visa to another country is a life changing decision, and we fully understand and respect the weight of responsibility our clients are honoring us with.

As required by law, all our migration agents are registered with the Migration Agents Registration Authority (MARA). Under this authority migration agents agree to work within a stringent code of conduct. This code of conduct can be found on the MARA website, click here.

In addition, Visa Ville Migration Australia members of the Migration Institute of Australia (MIA). This organisation is a voluntary body which was established to provide leadership for our profession, and foster open communication with members, the public and government. As part of this process MIA is constantly striving to provide education and training, improve ethics and standards and encourage all migration agents to become involved with improving the performance and service our profession provides. In addition, MIA also have a code of ethics which members are obliged to adhere to. These can be viewed on the MIA website, click here.