Investment and Business Owner Visas

Business Innovation and Investment Visa - Significant/Premium Investor Stream
(Subclass 188)

If you are considering investing in Australia, the or the Premium Investor stream of the Business Innovation and Investment (subclass 188) Visa may be an option (Provisional).

Once you have invested for a period of time and have provided satisfactory evidence of a specified level of investment, you can consider applying for permanent residents under the Permanent Business Innovation and Investment Visa (subclass 888).

Business Innovation and Investment Visa - Business Innovation Stream
(Subclass 188)

If you’re thinking of purchasing an existing or establishing a new business in Australia, you may wish to this Visa (subclass 188).

After a period of time, and subject to certain satisfactory evidence of specific business activity requirements, you may be in a position to apply for permanent residence under the Permanent Business Innovation and Investment Visa (subclass 888).

Business Talent Visa
(Subclass 132)

This Visa is available for business migrants who have a high level of business skills and are wanting direct permanent residents.

There are two streams

  • Significant Business History stream for high-calibre business owners or part owners wanting to do business in Australia; or
  • Venture Capital Entrepreneur stream, for potential Visa applicants who have sourced venture capital funding from a member of the Australian Venture Capital Association Ltd

Temporary graduate Visa
(Subclass 485)

Allowing you, having graduated, to work in Australia temporarily

Visitor Visa
(Subclass 600)

If you are wanting to visit Australia and undertake short-term studies (three months or less)

Visa Categories